

Theme Park/Water Park Safety Tips

Safety Tips for SummerWith the heat of the summer, it is so nice to cool off at Oceans of Fun or ride a chilling roller coaster at Worlds of Fun with the family. To make sure that you day is full of fun and free of incident, we have a few safety tips to keep you feeling good.

  1. Be Aware: Always be aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you. Especially in the waterpark area, it is good to know who is around you and note what is happening. Your observance may help others, not just you and your family. Water can be dangerous and there are so many people around that others may not notice when danger strikes.
  2. Have A Meeting Spot: If you get separated from the group, have a prearranged meeting spot for everyone to meet. This should be a place that everyone can find easily.
  3. Know Park Employees: Teach your children to identify staff and employees of the park. Should children get lost, they need to feel safe and comfortable going to a park employee for help rather than a stranger.
  4. Identification: Children should always have some form of identification. Even if you write the information on the inside of their arm  and cover it with clear nail polish so it doesn’t wash off, they need a way for authorities to identify them. Information should include name, contact phone number for an adult, medical conditions, etc.
  5. Water, water, water: The summer heat and intense sun is welcomed after a long winter but hours upon hours in the sun can leave you dehydrated. Be sure to fill up on water throughout the day. Playing in the water and the cool air on your face during a ride can be deceiving and keep you from feeling dehydrated. Plenty of fluids before you hit the park, the day and night before, and throughout the day can keep other issues from arising.