

Old School Dates Are Back

We live in the new century but that doesn’t mean we can’t relive the past and enjoy the simple pleasures of an earlier time. When was the last time you had an old school date night? Yes, the one with pizza, bowling, and a good old fashion milkshake? Well, we are here to show you exactly where you can find that here in Kansas City.

Start your night with Rosati’s Pizza. Originating in Chicago in 1895, Rosati’s expanded to a location in KC and the rest is history. Hailed as one of the top pizza locations in Missouri, you can’t go wrong with their famed double-dough or Chicago style deep dish. The Fabulous Four or the Chicken Alfredo is a favorite among the locals (hint, hint).

After you have had your fill of pizza, head over to Z Strike Bowling. This modern bowling alley has all the fun you can handle. Featuring weekly specials, lane reservations, food and competition you are guaranteed a good time. If you are kid free, hang out for the evening sessions and enjoy the music and events. Check the calendar as they are continually changing.

After claiming your spot in the top realms of bowling treat yourself to KC’s top milkshake spot, Fox’s Drug Store. The owner, Walt Bodine, has been making milkshakes since the 1930’s and insists that his are superior in creaminess. Who can argue with an expert?

Such an eventful evening can leave you wiped out. Curl up and enjoy the rest of your evening with us. There is nothing better than topping off a fantastic night with no-one but the best. Call us or make your reservations online.