

National Airline History Museum

National Airline History MuseumEnjoy an afternoon at the National Airline History Museum here in Kansas City. Founded in 1986 this expansive wealth of aviation history and knowledge is located in Hangar 9at the Kansas City Downtown Airport. Filled with TWA history, artifacts, and memorabilia from their glory days it is a fun and educational experience.

There are currently five aircraft on site at the National Airline History Museum. The Martin 4-0-4 and Lockheed Super ‘G’ Constellation have both been restored to flying condition. The Douglas DC-3, built in 1941, is undergoing restoration to both its interior and one of its engines. Visitors can also see TWA’s Moonliner II replica as well as the newly acquired Lockheed L-1011 Tristar which is believed to be one of the few salvageable examples of its kind in the US today.

There are three different simulators located at the National Airline History Museum. The general purpose custom built simulator occupies the main part of the museum. The Lockheed L-1011 Tristar Cockpit Procedures Trainer that is located on site originally belonged to TWA.

Allow your inner pilot to enjoy the aircraft on site as well as the history of the airlines through the years as you walk through this interesting, insightful and educational attraction.